I'm a member of the mathematics faculty in applied mathematics the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Nevada Reno. My research interests are Navier-Stokes equations, dynamical systems, fractal dimensions and turbulence. Techniques used include functional analysis and large-scale numerical simulation. I'm currently working on relationships between the weak separation condition and Assouad dimension, data assimilation of observational measurements with stochastic errors and the bioremediation of contaminated soil.
I currently maintain the department server called okapi for use by all graduate students and faculty in the department. Please let me know if you have any trouble with this machine.
I gave a talk entitled "Data-assimilation and Turbulence Modeling" October 27, 2019 for the Conference on Computational Mathematics and Applications at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
I gave a talk at the SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations December 11-14, 2019 in La Quinta, California.
I taught Math 285 Ordinary Differential Equations and Math 467/667 Numerical Analysis I Spring 2020.
I taught Math 466/666 Numerical Methods I and Math 330 Linear Algebra Fall 2020.
I gave a talk entitled Stochastic Parameterization of the Time-Relaxation Model of Turbulence on April 28, 2021 at the University of Nebraska Lincoln (through Zoom).
I taught Math 467/667 Numerical Methods II Spring 2021.
I taught Math 466/666 Numerical Methods I and Math 330 Linear Algebra Fall 2021.
I taught Math 330 Linear Algebra Spring 2022.
I taught Math 466/666 Numerical Methods I and Math 330 Linear Algebra Fall 2022.
I taught Math 467/667 Numerical Methods II and Math 488/688 Partial Differential Equations Spring 2023.
I taught Math 330 Linear Algebra and Math 466/666 Numerical Methods I Fall 2023.
I taught Math 310 Introduction to Analysis I and Math 488/688 Partial Differential Equations Spring 2024.
I am teaching Math 311 Introduction to Analysis I and Math 466/666 Numerical Methods I Fall 2024.