Math/CS 467/667

Math/CS 467/677 Numerical Methods II

Instructor  Course Section                       Time
Eric Olson  001 Math 467 INTRO TO ANALYSIS II    MWF 10:00-10:50pm AB635
The development of computers in the late 1940's and their great advances in power over the last fifty years has lead to a revolution in the field of numerical analysis. The goal of this course sequence is to provide the student with the numerical tools and methodology necessary to treat their own problems.

Numerical Methods II will cover the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, initial value problems, boundard value problems and elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations. Techniques covered will include finite and upwind difference methods, explicit and implicit methods, the fast Fourier transform, multigrid, and the fast multipole method.

Note that Math/CS 466/666 Numerical Methods I is not a prerequisite for this course.

The final exam will be held on Friday, May 9 at 9:45am-11:45am.

Last updated: Fri Mar 21 07:57:50 PST 2008