Programming Assignment Two

\def\R{{\bf R}}
\item{3a.}  Consider the polynomial
Define $$m=\max\big\{\, |a_i| : i=0,\ldots,n-1\,\big\}
\qquad\hbox{and}\qquad r={m\over |a_n|}+1.$$
Show that $P(x)\ne 0$ for $|x|>r$.
Write a program to evaluate $P(x)$ and
it's derivative using nested multiplication.  
Tabulate values
for the polynomials given in the 
file{\tt\ file03.dat }at $20n$ equally spaced points 
on the interval $[-r,r]$.
Plot each polynomial.
\item{c.}  There is a root in the interval between 
every two tabulated values of $P(x)$ which change sign.
Use the method of false position to obtain an initial
approximation and then Newton's method to find each root.
Do this for each polynomial in{\tt\ file03.dat}.
Did your program find all real roots for every polynomial?
If not, explain why.
What effect does increasing the number of tabulated values 
on the interval $[-r,r]$ have?
[Extra Credit] Use M\"uller's method and deflation
to find all roots (both real and complex) for the polynomials
in{\tt\ file03.dat}.

    f(A)=\sum_{i=1}^n |A_{ii}|-\sum_{i\ne j}^n |A_{ij}|.$$
If $A$ is diagonally dominant, then $f(A)>0$.
Consider the set
    {\cal A}=\{\,PA:\hbox{$P$ is a permutation matrix}\,\}.
If there exists a diagonally dominant matrix $B\in{\cal A}$,
then is it necessarily true that $B$ maximizes $f$
over all elements of ${\cal A}$?
In general, how many elements does the set ${\cal A}$ contain?
Discuss possible algorithms for maximizing $f$ over ${\cal A}$.
Is there any way to avoid calculating $f(A)$ for 
every element of ${\cal A}$?
What special cases may be easily treated?
Write a program that uses Gauss-Seidel iteration
to solve $Ax=b$ where the matrices $A$ and vectors $b$ 
are given in{\tt\ file04.dat}.
Compute the residuals $r=b-Ax$ for each solution.
Write a program to solve $Ax=b$ using the generalized 
Newton's method.  Run your program for the 
matrices $A$ and vectors $b$ given in{\tt\ file04.dat}
using values for the relaxation parameter 
$\omega$ of $0.6$, $0.8$, $1.2$, $1.4$ and $1.6$.
Compare the speed of convergence to the Gauss-Seidel method.

Last updated: Mon Jan 22 12:30:01 PST 2001