Programming Assignment Four

Your work should be presented in the form of a typed report using clear and properly punctuated English. Where appropriate include full program listings and output. If you choose to work in a group of two, please turn in independently prepared reports.

The Lorenz system is a three dimensional ordinary differential
equation of the form
    {dy\over dt}=f(y)
with a given initial condition $y(0)=a$
where $y(t)$ is a vector in ${\bf R}^3$ and
    \matrix{-10 y_1+10 y_2\cr
        28 y_1-y_2-y_1 y_3\cr
        y_1 y_2-(8/3) y_3\cr}
Let $Y^n$ be an approximation of $y(1)$ obtained
using a step size of $h=1/n$.
Define the error
Show that if $E_n\le K h^k$ then
    \|Y^n-Y^{2n}\|\le K \Big\{1+{1\over 2^k}\Big\} h^k.

Write a program to approximate solutions
of the Lorenz system using Euler's forward difference
and the initial condition
    a=\left[\matrix {2\cr3\cr15}\right].
Compute $Y^n$ for $n=64,128,256,512,\ldots,65536$.

Graph $\log \|Y^n-Y^{2n}\|$ versus $\log h$
to verify the order of convergence for
Euler's method numerically.

Compute $Y^n$ using Runge--Kutta methods of orders 2 and 4
and verify the order of convergence by
graphing $\log \|Y^n-Y^{2n}\|$ versus $\log h$.

Approximate $y(10)$ to three decimal places.
Is it possible to achieve this accuracy using Euler's method?
Can you find $y(100)$?

Last updated: Tue Nov 12 14:46:38 PST 2002