Midterm Review
The midterm will cover material from the following nine areas:
- Classification of PDEs into parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic type.
- A hand calculation using the 5-point formula for
solving the Poisson equation on a very coarse grid.
- Explanation of the upwind difference method for solving a
general linear elliptic problem and when to use it.
- Definition of the shift, forward difference,
backwards difference, central difference and averaging operators.
- Proof of the Gershgorin circle criterion.
- Statement of Lemma 10.1 in Iserles on the convergence of the
one-step stationary scheme x=Hx+v to a solution of Ax=b.
- Description and comparison of the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel
and SOR iterative methods.
- Definitions of spectral radius, positive definite and
diagonally dominant.
- Explanation of multigrid and intuitively what is
needed for it to work.
Last Updated: Wed Feb 12 10:18:49 PST 2003