Formula Page

There will be a page attached to the back of the midterm exam containing the following formulas:

	\ln A + \ln B = \ln (AB)

	\ln A - \ln B = \ln (A/B)

	\ln (A^p) = p\ln A

	(fg)' = f' g + f g'

	\Big({f\over g}\Big)'={f'g-fg'\over g^2}

	{d\over dx} \big(f(x)^p\big) = p f(x)^{p-1}f'(x)

	{d\over dx} a^x = (\ln a) a^x

	{d\over dx} (e^{f(x)}) = e^{f(x)} f'(x)

	{d\over dx} \big(\ln f(x)\big) = {f'(x)\over f(x)}

Last updated: Tue Oct 21 11:56:30 EST 2003