Mathematics 182 Honors

182 CALCULUS I (4+1) 4 credits

Instructor  Course Section                    Time
Eric Olson  H06 Math 182 HONORS CALCULUS II   MTWRF 10:00-10:50am AB634


Course Information

Eric Olson
ejolson at unr edu
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 11-noon DMS 238 and by appointment.
Darren Riply
Michael Spivak, Calculus, 4th Ed, Publish or Perish, 2008
Morris Kline, Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach, 2nd Ed, Dover, 1998


    12 Quizzes (drop 2)        10 points each
     1 Midterm                 80 points
     1 Final Exam             100 points
     6 Homework Assignments    10 points each
                              340 points total


Homework 1:
    Spivak page 381 #1(i),(ii), 2(i),(ii), 3(i),(ii)
                     4(i),(ii), 5(i),(ii)

Homework 2:
    Spivak page 381 #1(iii), 2(iii), 3(iii), 4(iii), 5(iii)
           page 431 #1(iii)-(vi), 2(i)

Homework 3:
    Spivak page 381 #1(iv), 2(iv), 3(iv), 4(iv), 5(iv)
           page 433 #3(i),(ii), 11(a)-(c)

Homework 4:
    Spivak page 381 #1(v), 2(v), 3(v), 4(v), 5(v)
           page 433 #11(d)-(f)
           page 490 #1(v),(xi)

Homework 5: (solutions)
    Spivak page 381 #1(vi), 2(vi), 3(vi), 4(vi), 5(vi)
     Kline page 441 #2, 4, 6, 7
           page 447 #2

Homework 6:
    Spivak page 384 #5(ii),(iii),(iv)
           page 490 #1(vi),(viii),(xiii),(xix)
     Kline page 467 #2(b),(c), 4(c)

Maple Worksheets

Quizzes and Exams

Final Exam

The final exam will be held on Friday, May 6 at 9:45-11:45am in AB634.

Equal Opportunity Statement

The Mathematics Department is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with documented physical disabilities or documented learning disabilities. University policy states that it is the responsibility of students with documented disabilities to contact instructors during the first week of each semester to discuss appropriate accommodations to ensure equity in grading, classroom experiences and outside assignments.

Academic Conduct

Bring your student identification to all exams. Work independently on all exams and quizzes. Behaviors inappropriate to test taking may disturb other students and will be considered cheating. Don't talk or pass notes with other students during an exam. Don't read notes or books while taking exams given in the classroom. You may work on the programming assignments in groups of two if desired. Homework may be discussed freely. If you are unclear as to what constitutes cheating, please consult with me.
Last Updated: Sun Feb 13 23:19:43 PST 2011